Hero Loadout

Ready to play? Select a Hero Loadout
When you're ready to play a match you will want to find your "HERO LOADOUT" page to select your Primary Hero. Begin by navigating to the "COMMAND" tab. Here you have two options for getting to your Hero Loadout. You can press the H key on PC (Y button on Xbox/Triangle button on PlayStation) for easy access. You can also go the traditional menu route by selecting the "HEROES" link and going to the "HERO LOADOUT" link within that menu.

Once there you will select your Primary Hero. This is the hero you will control during your mission. You will notice two additional hero slots. These are your Squad Bonus slots, Support and Tactical. When you start the game, you won't have access to these yet. Heroes put into those slots later on, once unlocked, will help enhance your Primary hero during the mission. Heroes slotted into your Squad Bonus positions will also contribute 20% of their Health, Shield and Hero Ability Damage statistics to your Primary hero.
Proper slotting can be very beneficial to your survival. That's something to always think about when preparing your heroes for a match. Bonuses only apply when correctly slotted. Make sure you put your heroes into the right slots.

Primary Hero
Your playable hero. The hero level affects their raw statistics and abilities. The higher the level and the more effective they will be. Leveling up can increase base statistics and give the hero new abilities & perks. You can change your Primary Hero each mission if you like.
See all hero stats to analyze the best contributors to your Support/Tactical bonus
Support Squad Bonus
The first slot to the right of your Primary Hero is the Support Squad Bonus. Whichever hero you put here will enhance your Primary Hero. This hero will provide 20% of it's health, shields and Hero Ability Damage (HAD) to the Primary Hero. It will also apply a Support Squad bonus to your Primary Hero. It is unlocked after completing the quest, "Leave Only Footprints" on Quest Page 4 of your Stonewood quests.
These support bonuses usually enhance the heroes ability to do something. Like use a weapon. These effects are passive and are available starting at hero level one. After their first star level evolution, their bonus will be upgraded. After their second star evolution level, they will be upgraded to their final level, giving the full benefit of their passive buff. For example, it may scale something like 10%/15%/20% depending on the support heroes level.
Tactical Squad Bonus
The last hero slot is the Tactical Squad Bonus. Whoever you put here will also enhance your Primary Hero. This hero will provide 20% of it's health, shields and Hero Ability Damage (HAD) to the Primary Hero. They may also apply a Tactical bonus if the right conditions are met. It is unlocked after completing your first Storm Shield Defense in Plankerton on the very first page of your quests once you reach the new zone.
These tactical bonuses usually enhance one of the heroes abilities or gives them a unique ability. Unlike the Support Squad Bonus, these effects are not in effect at hero level one and must first be unlocked by evolving your tactical hero to star evolution level two. Which is available at level ten.