Stop! Hammer Time. Gharol Bloodmaul was introduced in the first "wave" of Mythical Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends and to her, every problem looks like a nail.
Starting battle as Gharol-base, a HP Mythical focusing on suppressing the enemy while defending her team, while most players associate Gharol with switching forms and proceeding to go Mallet Mode on opposition, there's plenty to work with even if you can't locate the Metamorph button on your screen. Gharol-base A2 "Hammerquake" Provokes all enemies while making her [Unkillable] for THREE turns, which means the opponent may be worse than just wasting time hitting her out of anger, due to the Passive "Kill or Cure" that not only reduces enemy buff duration (remember, reducing buff duration does not run Polymorph checks!) but also heals her team as she's struck - similar to the Undead Hordes Epic Champion Vogoth. Granted, this is not the only time the enemy may find their turns being largely wasted around Gharol-base...
A3 "Bonded by Blood" is not the most complex skill in the world, but it again takes pressure off your team with defensive buffs and feeds back into "Kill or Cure" to keep everyone else alive until Gharol Bloodmaul has had enough of sitting back and pretending to be the world's most expensive Vogoth. Unlike "Hammerquake" Mythical Books will reduce the cooldown of "Bonded by Blood" from a 5-turn cooldown to a 3-turn cooldown, while Hammerquake remains on a 4-turn cooldown so that Gharol-base can't quite act like Paragon in being perpetually Unkillable. Once you've explored both of Gharol-base's Active skills and have done what you can with the A1 "Foecrusher" you'll probably finally locate the Metamorph button which was at the bottom right of your screen the whole time. It is a good find.
Base Stats
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of increasing the cooldown of a random skill on the target by 2 turns.
Also removes any [Shield] buffs.
Damage Based On: [HP]
Multiplier: 0.28*HP
Lvl. 3 Ignore RES +20%
Attacks all enemies. Places a [Provoke] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn.
Also places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 3 turns.
Damage Based On: [HP]
Multiplier: 0.25*HP
Lvl. 3 Ignore RES +20%
Removes [Block Buffs] debuffs from all allies and places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff on all except this Champion for 2 turns.
Also places a [Shield] buff on allies equal to 30% of this Champion's MAX HP for 2 turns.
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form. Then grants them an Extra Turn.
When attacked, decreases the duration of all buffs on the attacker by 1 turn. Occurs once per hit.
Also heals all allies except this Champion by 50% of the damage taken, whenever this Champion is hit. Occurs once per hit.

Ally HP all Battles 35%