Rad Llama PiƱatas
Guarantees at least one Epic or better limited time Boombox weapon or Hero!

Rad Llamas
Rad Llama Heroes
Rad Llama Weapons
Rad Llama Quotes
A one... a two... a one, two, three, four!
Am I about to hit the big time?
Can't we shred some sick tunes and not me?
Crack out the fanfare!
Don't duet!
I am totally not amped for this.
I bet you're wondering how I got here.
I love bangin' tunes, but not this!
It's called a "downbeat," not a "beat down!"
I've got all the bells and whistles.
Music to my ears.
Rock 'n' roll, dude.
That really struck a chord.
That's going to be a metra-NO from me, dude.
This finale is going to be off the wall.
This gig's a bust.
This is a major problem for me.
This is not the encore I wanted.
This is not what I meant when I said "headbanging."
This is so not my jam.
Time for my solo already?
What a rad score!
What'll it take to change your tune?
Whoa, this is heavy metal.
You've been an awesome crowd, tonight!