Mini Llama PiƱatas

A simple llama stuffed with basic goods to get you through your first apocalypse. Contains 3 items.
Mini Llamas

Mini llamas are one of the most common llamas in the game, if not the most common. They are given as a reward for performing many different tasks in the game. Such as logging in, completing missions, quests, and storm shield defenses.

They contain a few basic items and seasonal currency of some type. Currently you are able to get 30 or 50 in seasonal gold per regular mini llama as well as three common to uncommon items. Which can include survivors, schematics, hero experience, schematic experience or survivor experience. Very rarely you will be able to obtain a couple Pure Drops of Rain or an Epic quality Hero, Survivor or Schematic.

Mini llamas upgrade to Silver rarity fairly commonly and contain many more items upon doing so. Including a few rare quality items of the same types as before. You also get three times the amount of seasonal currency from the Silver mini llamas. Which can randomly be 30 or 50 gold each. A potential 90-150 seasonal currency in total.

I've never personally seen one go gold but the myth is that they can. If you ever get a clip of this, send it to me through the contact form.

Mini Llama Quotes

A teeny hello to you!
Can't catch me!
Did anyone order a llama.
Don't forget the candy!
Down with monsters!
Good one!
Guess what? I'm full of treasure!
Have a llama day!
Heroic llama!
Hiya, Commander!
I knew I was special!
I love helping the good guys.
I shall return!
I'm a lucky llama!
I'm back!
I'm changing!
I'm full of surprises! And candy!
I'm werewolf proof!
Little llama, big loot!
Look at me!
Loot first, ask questions later!
Loot llama.
Look out husks!
Make me proud!
Ooh- shiny!
Poof! I exploded.
See you later!
Teeny treasures!
This is gonna be good!
What a wallop!
What is happening!
Who loves treasure? Everyone? Great!
Yo, what's up?