Deciblasting Demo Penny Hero Loadout
Turning up the boom!
Demolitionist Penny
Team Perk
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Recommended Weapons
Deciblasting Demo Penny Description
This hero loadout is built specifically for the new Deciblaster explosive launcher coming out on 9/18/2019 to the weekly item store. We are going with Demolitionist Penny for this build with the Team Perk from this event called Totally Rockin' Out. With the extra crit rating from our team perk, the damage output will be immense.
We need two Totally Rad heroes to active the team perk. For that we went with Breakbeat Wildcat and Varsity Hiro. We expect to be getting lots of kills so Rockin' Riff should be very active passively through Wildcat and have a high up time, as you pick up footballs fumbled around the battlefield.
There are a lot of other heroes you could go with after those two. Skull Trooper, Chromium Ramirez, 8-Bit Demo, Crossbones Barrett for Goin' Coconuts and other Survival based heroes all work. For here we chose Skull Trooper for the extra damage after reloading. Cyberclops for the extra chained damage. Goin' Coconuts gives us more damage as well as a healing option. Feel free to switch out any of these options for your choices of preference.
This build is specifically meant for the Deciblaster. It is the weapon of choice here but it could easily work with many other weapons.
Weapon Description
The Deciblaster is the main focus of this build. It is a very unique weapon. It will bounce up to five times before dissipating and each time it bounces, it will explode doing damage in a half tile radius. It works very well with a Teleporter gadget. For the perks, you could go with a lot of different options for different scenarios. Let's go over some below.
we chose one Crit Rating, a Reload Speed, Energy Damage and Critical Damage x 2 to maximize it's damage potential. You could do two CR and two CD or two DMG and two CD but those felt kinda slow for your average mission type. Unless you were just cherry picking husks slowly behind a heavy base setup.