Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. The chance increases to 55% against Legendary Champions.
Damage Based On: [DEF]
Multiplier: 3.5*DEF
Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Lvl. 4 Damage +10%
Lvl. 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% chance of place a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns. Also has an 80% chance of placing a [Fear] debuff for 1 turn on each Legendary Champion.
Damage Based On: [DEF]
Multiplier: 4*DEF
Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Lvl. 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1
Places a [Shield] buff and a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
The value of the [Shield] buff is proportional to this Champion's DEF.
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Whenever an ally is attacked, has a 100% chance of completely blocking 1 hit, decreasing the incoming damage to zero. This Champion will receive that damage instead. It will also redirect any debuffs from the hit to this Champion. The chance of blocking a hit and redirecting the debuffs decreases to 50% if the attacker is a Boss. Does not work if the attack on the ally was an AoE attack.
Whenever an enemy is healed, heals this Champion by 20% of that heal.
Increase this Champion's HP, DEF and SPD by 10% for each dead ally.
Ally DEF all Battles 30%
Champion Loadouts
Last Updated: 12/6/2023 - 5:28 PM