Yncensa Grail-Bearer was added to the game with Update 8.60 as an invaluable addition to the Sylvan Watchers Faction as a much-needed Support Legendary in a Faction otherwise devoid of Champions of such a role. As the first Champion in the game that is able to place the [Poison Cloud] buff on an ally - which is normally a buff exclusive to the Head of Blight's "Blinding Smog" skill - preventing the ally under the [Poison Cloud] buff from receiving anything but Weak hits from attacks unless the ally is suffering from the [HP Burn] debuff, Yncensa offers a completely unique way to defend a priority Champion!
Of course, as a Void Legendary, Yncensa brings much more to the team than that. With an AoE A1 "Battle Catalyst" which books up to a 70% chance of [Decrease ATK] on the entire enemy team, the skill also provides an [Ally Attack] with your highest CDMG ally. In terms of usage against Hydra, include a champion like Fenax or Ma'shalled who have a particularly strong A1 skill in Hydra and watch the damage number go up much faster than otherwise! Note that like any other, the [Ally Attack] part of this skill will not function if this skill is used as a [Counterattack] or as part of another Champion's [Ally Attack] effect.
Onto the A2 "Fumes of the Grail" which features the as-of-current only way to grant [Poison Cloud] buff to an ally, this buff alongside the others it provides not only keeps that ally safe but accelerates their next turn. Note that unlike the Hydra variant of this buff it can be removed, stolen or have the duration decreased as long as none of those effects need to at least place a normal hit in order to do so. Additionally, on Auto the targeting regarding which ally Yncensa chooses to grant the effects of this skill to can depend entirely on the current [Turn Meter] levels, the current HP levels and the order of the team, she will not place it on the same Champion every time.
A3 "Malignant Growth" is functionally identical to the A2 "Blind with Infatuation" of Venus and arguably inferior to the A2 "Siren's Wail" of Lydia the Deathsiren, but has the upside of ignoring [Block Debuffs] should Head of Mischief have stolen this buff off an ally and then spread it to all other Heads.
Finally, the Passive "Yncensed" suggests that Yncensa is to be considered for usage against encounters that aren't solely against Hydra or other Bosses, due to reducing enemy [Turn Meter] each time they receive a buff, identical to the "Jealousy" Passive of Valkyrie. However, the ever-present Polymorph Blessing alongside Yncensa's mostly Hydra-focused skillset may mean this part of her Passive goes typically unused, as would the ACC bonuses from enemies possessing buffs, as you will generally build Yncensa with enough ACC to land all of her debuffs regardless against an encounter with a static RES stat like most PvE encounters.
With two AoE skills, it may be advisable to put Inquisitor Shamael in the same team or otherwise have a way to provide [Perfect Veil] to Yncensa so she does not run into issues with accidentally becoming under [True Fear] from Head of Torment simply from using her A1 skill. Despite being a Void Legendary, her HP and DEF stats are somewhat below average at 18,660 and 1,134 respectively, which can affect her overall survivability if you are building her with the Warmaster T6 Mastery along with CRIT and ATK% in order to maximize her individual damage output as you chase the highest score you can achieve against Hydra.
Make no mistake, Yncensa is definitely an interesting Champion and is absolutely worth building for Hydra if not anywhere else!
Base Stats
Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns.
The ally with the highest C. DMG also joins to attack the enemy with the lowest HP. The ally joining the attack will use their default skill.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 3*ATK
Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Lvl. 4 Damage +5%
Lvl. 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Places a [Poison Cloud] buff, a 30% [Increase SPD] buff and two 15% [Continuous Heal] buffs on a target ally for 2 turns.
Also fills the target’s Turn Meter by 50%.
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff and a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
Will ignore [Block Debuffs] buffs.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 4.5*ATK
Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Lvl. 4 Cooldown -1
Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1
Increases this Champion's ACC by 10 for each buff on each enemy.
Whenever an enemy receives a buff, their Turn Meter is decreased by 10%.

Ally ACC all Battles 70%