Nais The Shadowthief

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Sylvan Watchers banner.

Nais the Shadowthief is the second Sylvan Watchers Mythical Champion, added to the game with Update 8.60. An uncommon variant to the often-seen "support first form, damage carry second form" Nais the Shadowthief is NEVER to be underestimated. Much like a thief with a bag of valuables, it's entirely possible for the Fae-cursed archer to run away with a battle entirely, rapidly becoming unstoppable whether man or warped avain monstrosity.

While the base form for Nais suggests he is an Attack champion, he is in fact a HP champion who has an additional xATK scaling to his skills - a reverse Rotos the Lost Groom who values HP as a stat but primarily focuses on ATK. Furthermore, the terrifying Nais-alt is solely a HP champion with no xATK scaling, therefore it is advisable to build Nais the Shadowthief with ATK only as a 5th priority after HP, CRIT, CDMG and SPD.

The unique A3 "Thief's Omen" will permanently reduce the stats of any target hit the first time around (this effect does not require ACC, nor can it be blocked or resisted) and adds to Nais' own stats - although he does not "steal" the reduced stats so to speak, instead being a static % modifier that can eventually cap out at 40-50% total to his HP / ATK / DEF / SPD / RES / ACC in Arena or Dungeon settings - nonfunctional against Bosses but doing double damage as compensation. The skill has a very high damage multiplier for a [Block Revive] skill but does not shred any DEF or damage mitigation effects by itself, meaning that while targets of lesser durability will often be destroyed immediately, a more resilient enemy may require a second strike, although they will be permanently weakened regardless. As with any other Arena battle, it only really takes one Champion to be killed with [Block Revive] for the fight to be over.

A2 "Blackfeather Barrage" on the contrary is a rather simple AoE attack again with no inherent mitigation shred apart from ignoring [Shield] buffs, but assuming this is used against a team all at >50% [Turn Meter] and Nais will regain 80% of his own [Turn Meter] immediately. A1 "Allpiercer" again is rather simple in effect and application, and at this point you will be looking at the Passive "Glinting Saviour" - which is named as it is due to details in the lore for this Mythical Champion.

While Nais can Metamorph into his Alternate form at will unlike Siegfrund the Nephilim, "Glinting Saviour" acts as Nais' only form of self-defence, reducing the damage so that he remains alive on 1HP before automatically Metamorphing into his Alternate form. Note that any damage that would ignore the effects of Passive skills will still kill Nais outright, such as the A2 "Desecration Blast" of Wight King Narses. Additionally, if Nais is struck by a multi-hit skill and the non-final hit of the skill would trigger "Glinting Saviour" then he will be slain by the following hit. Be particularly wary of facing Marius the Gallant, whose Passive "Steadfast Knight" will automatically [Counterattack] after "Glinting Saviour" resolves and then kill Nais where he stands.

Base Stats

Crit Rate: 
Crit DMG: 


Attacks 1 enemy.

Will ignore [Shield], [Unkillable], and [Block Damage] buffs.

Damage Based On: [HP][ATK]

Multiplier: 0.3*HP+1.2*ATK

Lvl. 2 Damage +20%
Blackfeather Barrage - 4 Turn Cooldown

Attacks all enemies. This attack will not trigger counterattacks and ignores [Shield] buffs.

Also steals 20% of the Turn Meter from each enemy. This effect cannot be resisted by enemies with more than 50% Turn Meter.

Damage Based On: [HP][ATK]

Multiplier: 0.3*HP+1.85*ATK

Lvl. 2 Damage +15%
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Thief's Omen - 3 Turn Cooldown

Attacks 1 enemy. Deals double damage to Bosses.

Destroys the target's MAX HP and decreases the target's ATK, DEF, SPD, RES, and ACC by 10% when this Champion hits them with this skill for the first time. This effect does not work against Bosses.

Also increases this Champion's MAX HP, ATK, DEF, SPD, RES, and ACC by 10% each time this Champion decreases enemy stats with this skill.

Finally, places a [Block Revive] debuff if the target is killed by this skill.

Damage Based On: [HP][ATK]

Multiplier: 0.47*HP+2.5*ATK

Lvl. 2 Damage +20%
Metamorph - 4 Turn Cooldown

Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.

Glinting Saviour [P]

Deals 5% more damage for each 10% HP the target has lost.

Also prevents this Champion's death and keeps them alive on 1 HP when hit with a fatal hit, then transforms them into their Alternate Form.


Ally HP all Battles 35%