Ragash was available as a guaranteed champion on 7/19/2022 for x150 Ancient shards.
Base Stats
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
Damage Based On: [DEF]
Multiplier: 1.8*DEF
Lvl. 3 Damage +5%
Lvl. 4 Damage +5%
Lvl. 5 Damage +5%
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff on each enemy for 2 turns before attacking. Also has a 75% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn after attacking.
Damage Based On: [DEF]
Multiplier: 4.3*DEF
Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Lvl. 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1
Places a 25% [Strengthen] buff and a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Also places a [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
At the start of each turn, places a [Perfect Veil] buff for 1 turn on the ally with the highest ATK.
Inflicts 20% more damage against targets whose DEF is lower than this Champion's DEF.
Ally DEF all Battles 30%