Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit has a 20% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 1.5*ATK
Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Lvl. 4 Damage +5%
Lvl. 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a [Stun] debuff for 2 turns. Grants an Extra Turn and resets the cooldown of this skill if Yumeko is on the same team and this skill kills an enemy.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 6.5*ATK
Lvl. 3 Damage +5%
Lvl. 4 Damage +10%
Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1
Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be resisted if Yumeko is on the same team.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 4.65*ATK
Lvl. 3 Damage +10%
Lvl. 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Lvl. 5 Damage +10%
Damage inflicted by this Champion cannot be decreased by enemy Passive skills or Masteries, except by the Passive skills of Bosses.
Damage inflicted by this Champion cannot be increased by this Champion’s Masteries or ally Passive Skills, except when attacking Bosses.
Whenever Yumeko dies, instantly grants a turn to this Champion and resets the cooldowns of each of this Champion's skills.
Ally C. RATE all Battles 20%