Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a 40% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. If the target is a Boss, the chance increases to 80%.
Damage Based On: [DEF]
Multiplier: 1.5*DEF
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns.
Also increases the duration of all ally buffs by 1 turn. Then increases the value of all [Shield]s on all allies. The value of each [Shield] is increased proportional to the total number of buffs which had their duration increased.
Damage Based On: [DEF]
Multiplier: 3.5*DEF
Places 2 [Intercept] stacks on a target ally.
Also places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff and a [Shield] buff on all allies for 2 turns. The value of the [Shield] is proportional to this Champion's DEF.
At the start of each Round, places a [Counterattack] buff on this Champion for 1 turn. This buff cannot be removed.
At the end of this Champion's turn, places a [Counterattack] buff on them for 1 turn.
Ally DEF all Battles 30%