Attacks 1 enemy 3 times.
Each hit has a 25% chance to increase the duration of a [HP Burn] debuff on the target by 1 turn.
Damage Based On: [HP]
Multiplier: 0.09*HP
Attacks all enemies.
Instantly activates all [HP Burn] debuffs on all enemies and allies.
Whenever a [HP Burn] debuff is activated on an enemy by this skill, decreases their RES by 10 (Stacks up to 100). Whenever a [HP Burn] debuff is activated on an ally by this skill, increases their RES by 10 (stacks up to 100).
Also fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 5% for each [HP Burn] debuff activated on enemies.
Damage Based On: [HP]
Multiplier: 0.26*HP
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Places a [Weaken] debuff and a [HP Burn] debuff on all allies for 2 turns.
Also places a [HP Burn] debuff on all allies for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be blocked or resisted.
Then fills the Turn Meter of all allies by 30%.
Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.
Each active [HP Burn] debuff placed by this Champion increases their MAX HP by 5% [Stacks up to 25%].
[HP Burn] debuff placed on allies heal them instead of damaging them.
Ally HP all Battles 35%