Attacks 1 enemy.
Increases the duration of any [HP Burn] debuffs on the target by 1 turn. If the target is not under a [HP Burn] debuff, decreases the duration of 2 random buffs on that target enemy by 1 turn instead. These effects cannot be resisted if this attack is critical.
Then, attack all enemies not under [HP Burn] debuffs, except the initial target. Decreases the duration of 2 random buffs on all enemies by 1 turn. This effect cannot be resisted if this attack is critical.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 5.5*ATK
Lvl. 3 Damage +10%
Attacks all enemies.
Before attacking, increases the duration of all [HP Burn] debuffs on all enemies by 1 turn, then instantly activates any [HP Burn] debuffs on each enemy. This effect cannot be resisted if this Champion's C.RATE is 100% or higher.
Finally, increases the duration of all debuffs on all enemies by 1 turn, and places a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns. These effects cannot be resisted if this attack is critical.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 5.8*ATK
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Places a 30% [Increase C.DMG] buff, a 30% [Increase C.RATE] buff and a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on all allies for 3 turns.
Then, grants an Extra Turn.
Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.
Before the start of this Champion's turn, places a [HP Burn] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns. Occurs once per Round. This effect cannot be resisted if this Champion's C.RATE is 100% or higher.
Also before the start of this Champion's turn, has a 50% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. This effect cannot be resisted if this Champion's C.RATE is 100% or higher.

Ally C. RATE all Battles 27%