Attacks 1 enemy 2 times.
Each hit decreases the target's DEF by 2% (stacks up to 20%).
Each hit also steals 10% of the target's Turn Meter.
Damage Based On: [HP]
Multiplier: 0.11*HP
Lvl. 3 Ignore RES +20%
Attacks all enemies. Removes all buffs from all enemies and places a [Block Active Skills] debuff on them for 2 turns.
Also steals 20% of the Turn Meter from each enemy under a [Block Active Skills] debuff.
Damage Based On: [HP]
Multiplier: 0.22*HP
Lvl. 3 Ignore RES +20%
Attacks 1 enemy.
Steals 100% of the target's Turn Meter.
Also, puts the target's skills on cooldown.
Lvl. 3 Ignore RES +20%
Lvl. 4 Cooldown -1
Transforms this Champion into their Alternate Form. Then grants an Extra Turn.
Whenever this Champion loses 30% HP or more in a single turn, deals damage to the attacker equal to 30% of this Champion's MAX HP. Occurs once per turn.
Also when this Champion loses 30% HP or more in a single turn, places a [Shield] buff on them, equal to 30% of this Champion's MAX HP, for 2 turns.
Damage Based On: [HP]
Multiplier: 0.3*HP
Ally ACC all Battles 80%