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Queen Eva

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A1, A2, A3


Dark Elves banner.

For the longest time in RAID: Shadow Legends, Queen Eva was little more than "that boss at the end of Campaign Part 6" or someone who could farm Brutal Campaign without needing books or particularly good gear. Let down by poor damage multipliers, Queen Eva was one of the "I hope I don't get her" Legendary Champions in the game...until Update 8.40, where that all changed.

With Update 8.40, Queen Eva received a series of skill buffs and updates selling her as a viable Arena nuker option to threaten the likes of Ultimate Deathknight or Sun Wukong, and it seems Plarium have hit their mark this time! Already having a well above average base Attack stat of 1696, all of Queen Eva's damage multipliers were increased, but that's not all! Players now need to only build 85% Critical Rate on Queen Eva, the +15% Critical Rate bonus applying to all of her skills instead of just her A3 "Energy Drain" allowing greater investments into other stats. With further incentive to add some Accuracy onto a Queen Eva build, she can scale VERY well with great gear!

With A1 "Cauterize" now applying both [Heal Reduction] and [Block Buffs] at a 100% chance, simply left-clicking on an opponent can now provide significant hindrance at their attempt to function - especially champions who rely on self-buffs in order to defend themselves. While this may not be something you plan to use as your opening move as Queen Eva, it does make counterattacks much more dangerous as her. Just think about it - an enemy Champion lands a CC debuff on an ally and Queen Eva with the Deterrence mastery places two crippling debuffs in return. You don't need to worry about removing buffs off enemies if they can't have any buffs in the first place!

Of course, the main star of the show is the updated A2 "Ancient Curse" - not only was the multiplier increased from 2.3x ATK to 2.8x ATK, as well as now ignoring 50% of the target's Defence stat, making this now one of the absolute hardest hitting skills in the game...with [Block Revive] as well! Similar to the Skinwalkers Mythical Champion Mezomel Luperfang, it is easily possible to "double kill" both a UDK and the targeted Champion since "Ancient Curse" is a 2-hitter skill - although while Mezomel Luperfang's A2 "Scarlet Crescent" ignores everything but DEF, Queen Eva's "Ancient Curse" solely focuses on ignoring DEF, but can hit incredibly hard in doing so, even without [Increase ATK] buff! Even Arena fan favorite Harima doesn't particularly like trying her luck, being weak Affinity to Queen Eva and "Ancient Curse" still having high base damage even if Harima's Passive "Demon Slayer" will provide significant damage reduction. As for Sun Wukong...well, it turns out the Wukong is in fact beatable...he doesn't seem to be getting back up. Despite being a 2-hitter skill, Queen Eva still generally doesn't want to see Rotos or other Magic affinity nukers, so she's more of a counterpick in Live Arena than a first pick.

While A3 "Energy Drain" was the least changed skill - the ATK multiplier changed from 3.4x to 4.0x, this is the damage boost that allows Queen Eva to also farm Nightmare Campaign instead of just Brutal, although Nightmare 12-6 has a Prince Kymar and an Alure that Queen Eva may weak hit on, preventing a simple 3-turn farm. Regardless, elsewhere "Energy Drain" is how you can attack all enemies and get your cooldown for "Ancient Curse" back on a kill. The 20% Turn Meter reduction on her A3 checks Accuracy just like her A1 and therefore you may find it valuable to have Accuracy as your 4th stat on a Crit Rate / Crit Damage / Speed shield to provide additional disruption to the enemy team. There may also be a blessing that requires Accuracy that can punish opponents for trying to remove buffs from Queen Eva or place buffs on her...

Regardless, Queen Eva is absolutely someone to consider taking out of the Vault now - a well-deserved buff after so long!

Base Stats

Crit Rate: 
Crit DMG: 


Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 70% chance of placing a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff and a [Block Buffs] debuff for 2 turns. Has an extra 15% chance of inflicting a critical hit.

Damage Based On: [ATK]

Multiplier: 3.4*ATK

Lvl. 2 Damage +15%
Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Lvl. 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Lvl. 5 Damage +20%
Ancient Curse - 5 Turn Cooldown

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Ignores 50% of the target's DEF. Has an extra 15% chance to critical hit.

Enemies killed by this skill cannot be revived.

Damage Based On: [ATK]

Multiplier: 2.8*ATK

Lvl. 2 Damage +10%
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Lvl. 4 Damage +15%
Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1
Energy Drain - 5 Turn Cooldown

Attacks all enemies. Decreases the Turn Meter by 20%. Resets the cooldowns on each of this Champion's skills if any target is killed. Has an extra 15% chance of inflicting a critical hit.

Damage Based On: [ATK]

Multiplier: 4.0*ATK

Lvl. 2 Damage +5%
Lvl. 3 Damage +10%
Lvl. 4 Damage +10%
Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1

Ally C. RATE all Battles 19%