One of the best and most sought after epic champions in Raid Shadow Legends. Especially in terms of pvp. She is one of the best buff removers and debuffers for the arena that you can get in the early game and is still very useful all the way till the end game for some team compositions. She works amazingly well for speed teams that go first.
Her most used ability is her A3, which drops both the big versions of Decrease Defense and Decrease Attack on all enemies. It has a long cooldown but you usually don't need to use it more than once in an arena fight and if you did need it, you're probably not looking in too good of shape anyways. So it doesn't really require any books.
If all things went smoothly in your pvp fight, the targets are usually all dead before you ever get around to needing to use her A2 or A1. So again, not a big need to book those abilities. If you do come back around to another ability, her A2 is kind of fun. It has an average chance to steal a random buff from each target just in case they buffed back up again. With a potential Block Debuffs for your allies and a True Fear. Nice!
All in all she is a great epic champion for the arena or anywhere you may need a buff remover and everyone will want to get her at some point on their account. Make sure to build her with tons of accuracy to work and some speed as well. You can check out some of our builds for her below.
Madame Serris was available as a guaranteed champion on 10/22/2021 for x30 Void shards.
Base Stats
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 20% chance of placing a [Fear] debuff for 1 turn. This chance increases to 30% if the target is under 1 debuff. This chance increases to 45% if the target is under 2 or more debuffs.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 4.2*ATK
Lvl. 3 Damage +5%
Lvl. 4 Damage +5%
Lvl. 5 Damage +5%
Attacks all enemies. Has a 40% chance of stealing 1 random buff from each target. Places a [Block Debuffs] buff on all allies for 2 turns if any buff is stolen. Places a [True Fear] debuff for 1 turn on enemies who have buffs stolen.
Damage Based On: [ATK]
Multiplier: 4.3*ATK
Lvl. 3 Damage +10%
Lvl. 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1
Removes all buffs from enemies. Places a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff and a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns.
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Places a [Shield] buff on this Champion equal to 10% of their MAX HP at the start of each turn. When attacked while under a [Shield] buff, has a 35% chance of placing a [Fear] debuff on the attacker for 1 turn.
Champion Loadouts
Last Updated: 5/17/2023 - 5:42 PM