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Dune Lord Greggor

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Barbarians banner.

Dune Lord Greggor is the Faction Unity Legendary Champion for the Barbarians Faction added to the game with Update 8.50. Designed as a mix of an offensive and defensive support champion (despite the Defense role assigned to him) there are quite a few ways that Greggs over here can bake up trouble for the enemy team or provide unique effects fresh out of the oven to enable strategies that weren't entirely possible before.

A1 "Desert Ax" is DLG's most basic skill, with the [Provoke] chance not being increased with Legendary Skill Tomes and instead remaining at 50% - making this serviceable but not particularly reliable when it comes to Head of Decay from Hydra or Kuldath the Magma Dragon from Doom Tower. A2 "Earthcleave" is another one of the increasing "Increase Ally Buff Duration" effects that are popular nowadays for keeping various buffs at 100% uptime on the team, with additional utility. The [Shield] buff is scales off DLG's HP and not his DEF, and may cause you to consider ignoring the "Defense" role entirely and prioritizing the HP stat to maximize this [Shield] value - especially since DLG is not particularly designed to be an attacking champion anyway and will end up building a mix of ACC, SPD, HP and potentially RES or DEF as a 4th priority. Therefore, DLG will prefer Gear Sets like Perception, Feral or Speed to cycle through his effects and be able to provide as much to his team apart from damage dealing capabilities who he tends to leave to others.

A3 "Bestial Yell" is where things get interesting. As a baseline skill, one of the two buffs placed do not benefit DLG at all and the [Increase ACC] may vary in value depending on what content you're bringing DLG into - as PvE content has static ACC requirements which you may just meet regardless. Only as DLG is accompanied by other allies from the Barbarians faction does the skill scale up in strength. Note that while DLG requires you to have 3 Barbarian allies for the final enhanced effect, the [Instant Turn] - if you are playing content where you're permitted 5 or more Champions and your highest C.DMG Champion is not a Barbarian, it can apply to that Champion. As a cooldown reduction skill, Bestial Yell is on an identical cooldown to the ever-popular "Combat Tactics" of Pain Keeper, but the A2 and A3 of Emic Trunkheart and Lady of Ireth are on a 3-turn cooldown, therefore making these two Champions superior if you purely want the cooldown reduction effect.

Finally, the Passive "Desert Monolith" initially has an identical [Provoke] effect to Versulf the Grim, but the Faction Unity bonuses make it much stronger a Passive. As with the A3 "Bestial Yell" these effects are not limited to Barbarian Champions, but in Arena content your entire team will need to be Barbarians for the full Unity effects. DLG is given no shortage of allies in this regard and offers at least something to each of them.

Free to available via the Clan Shop Yakarl the Scourge values the [Increase ATK] and [Increase ACC] along with the ability to ignore 50% RES and deal 25% extra damage to targets his skills have inflicted [Freeze] to. Xena and R. Nergigante Archer both appreciate the Cooldown reduction effects and [Turn Meter] boosts to allow them to keep using their AoE skills, however as now-unobtainable Champions you may not have them around. Similarly, Alaz the Sunbearer will often be the recipient of the [Instant Turn] effect - but he is a Mythical Champion of many in the game. Regardless, if there's one Barbarian Champion that was available to everyone at one point, it's Armanz the Magnificent who, well, introduces himself.

If there's two Champions he particularly works well with, it's the duo of Djamarsa and Crohnam. Able to supply Crohnam the Barbarian with ways to hit harder, hit more often and [Instant Turns] on top of it - the [Shield] from "Earthcleave" helps keep the otherwise vulnerable Attack champion alive and reduces Ally cooldowns to keep the "Simmering Anger" Passive of Crohnam ticking down, with Djamarsa appreciating any moment where she's not stuck using her A1 "Night's Finger" which is almost entirely useless against Hydra - the duo's main area of expertise. Then, you only need one more Barbarians ally to complete the setup do have Tuhanarak, right? No? Well, good thing that Alika is quite popular in Hydra nowadays with Merciless Gear Set so she can use her A2 "High Value Target" every turn...

Like with any other Faction Unity Champion, Dune Lord Greggor was only available via specific Summoning events and is not normally in the list of Champions obtainable from summoning from Shards. You may find he's only as good as your collection of Barbarians is, for his capabilities as a "standalone" Champion can be slightly underwhelming.

Base Stats

Crit Rate: 
Crit DMG: 

Desert Ax

Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn.

Damage Based On: [DEF]

Multiplier: 3.6*DEF

Lvl. 2 Damage +5%
Lvl. 3 Damage +5%
Lvl. 4 Damage +5%
Lvl. 5 Damage +5%
Earthcleave - 4 Turn Cooldown

Attacks all enemies.

Decreases the duration of all enemy buffs by 1 turn, and increases the duration of all ally buffs by 1 turn.

Also places a [Shield] buff on all allies for 2 turns, equal to 20% of this Champion's MAX HP.

Damage Based On: [DEF]

Multiplier: 3.8*DEF

Lvl. 2 Damage +10%
Lvl. 3 Damage +10%
Lvl. 4 Cooldown -1
Bestial Yell - 6 Turn Cooldown

Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff and a 50% [Increase ACC] buff on all allies for 2 turns.

Barbarians Unity

1 Faction Ally:
Decreases the cooldown of all ally skills, except this Champion's, by 1 turn.
2 Faction Allies:
Fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 20%.
3 Faction Allies:
Activates an [Instant Turn] effect on the ally with the highest C. DMG, except this Champion.

Lvl. 2 Cooldown -1
Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1
Desert Monolith [P]

When attacked, has a 20% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff on the attacker for 1 turn. Occurs once per hit.

Barbarians Unity

1 Faction Ally:
Allies deal 25% more damage to enemies under [Stun], [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], [Provoke], [Freeze], and [Petrification] debuffs. If there are multiple Champions on the team with this skill, this effect will only activate once.
2 Faction Allies:
Allies ignore 50% of target's RES when applying [Stun], [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], [Provoke], [Freeze], and [Petrification] debuffs. If there are multiple Champions on the team with this skill, this effect will only activate once.
3 Faction Allies:
When counterattacking, instant effects and debuffs placed by ally skills cannot be resisted or blocked.


Ally DEF all Battles 25%