Dragon's Claw Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle: Bolt-Action. Powerful and accurate rifle that fires small fireworks that embed in targets and explode shortly after. Fire damage is effective against nature enemies, but weak against water enemies.
Dragon's Claw
+68% Crit Damage
+30% Weapon Stability
+50% Magazine Size
+24% Damage to Mist Monsters and Bosses
On kill: Spawn Roman Candle at enemy location (8s cooldown).

Dragon's Claw Stats

Main Stats

Damage: 170
Crit Chance: 15%
Crit Damage: 75%
Fire Rate: 0.7
Magazine Size: 4
Range: 256
Durability: 375
Durability per Use: 0.73
Reload Time: 3.0
Ammo Type: Heavy Bullets
Ammo Cost: 1
Impact: 675


Point Blank: 170
Mid Range: 119
Long Range: 34
Max Range: 3.40


Point Blank: 128
Mid Range: 192
Long Range: 256


Down Sights: x0.10
Standing Still: x0.30


Point Blank: 675
Mid Range: 473
Long Range: 135
Max Range: 14

Environmental Damage

Point Blank: 114
Mid Range: 80
Long Range: 23
Max Range: 2.28