Room Sweeper Shotgun

Shotgun: Automatic. Fires a wide spread of pellets at an extreme rate of fire. Can decimate crowds or annihilate tough enemies, at a significant ammo cost.
Room Sweeper
+25% Reload Speed
+38% Magazine Size
Physical and +26% Damage
+27% Headshot Damage
+24% Damage to Mist Monsters and Bosses
Getting 5 headshots in a row increases ranged weapon damage +30% for 10 seconds.

Room Sweeper Stats

Main Stats

Damage: 10
Crit Chance: 10%
Crit Damage: 50%
Fire Rate: 6.0
Magazine Size: 20
Range: 2048
Durability: 375
Durability per Use: 0.11
Reload Time: 3.0
Ammo Type: Shells 'N' Slugs
Ammo Cost: 1
Impact: 15


Point Blank: 10
Mid Range: 7.35
Long Range: 2.10
Max Range: 1


Point Blank: 384
Mid Range: 768
Long Range: 2048


Base: 0.17
Down Sights: x0.80


Point Blank: 15
Mid Range: 11
Long Range: 3
Max Range: 0

Environmental Damage

Point Blank: 5
Mid Range: 4
Long Range: 1
Max Range: 0