Dragon's Fury Explosive

Explosive Weapon: Fires long-range rockets that create a lingering series of fiery explosions. Perfect for denying husk entry in a chokepoint! Fire damage is effective against nature enemies, but weak against water enemies.
Dragon's Fury
+68% Crit Damage
+21% Durability
+20 Critical Rating
+30% Damage to afflicted targets
Damage dealt with this weapon snares the target by 30% for 6 seconds.

Dragon's Fury Stats

Main Stats

Damage: 44
Crit Chance: 10%
Crit Damage: 50%
Fire Rate: 1.0
Magazine Size: 1
Range: 256
Durability: 15
Durability per Use: 1.00
Reload Time: 2.2
Ammo Type: Explosive Rounds
Ammo Cost: 1
Impact: 200


Point Blank: 44
Mid Range: 30.80
Long Range: 8.80
Max Range: 1


Point Blank: 128
Mid Range: 192
Long Range: 256


Base: 2.50
Down Sights: x0.50
Standing Still: x0.80


Point Blank: 200
Mid Range: 140
Long Range: 40
Max Range: 4

Environmental Damage

Point Blank: 98
Mid Range: 69
Long Range: 20
Max Range: 1.96