Bowler Explosive

Explosive Weapon - Flintlock: Fires cannon balls that damage and knock back groups of enemies. The cannon balls can bounce before exploding, damaging nearby enemies with each bounce. Does not consume ammo, but has very low durability.
+12% Damage to Mist Monsters and Bosses
+30% Impact
Physical and +26% Damage
+40% Impact
+30% Damage to afflicted targets
Damage dealt with this weapon snares the target by 30% for 6 seconds.

Bowler Stats

Main Stats

Damage: 331
Crit Chance: 10%
Crit Damage: 50%
Fire Rate: 0.75
Magazine Size: 1
Range: 768
Durability: 15
Durability per Use: 1.00
Reload Time: 3.4
Ammo Type: Explosive Rounds
Ammo Cost: 1
Impact: 2207


Point Blank: 331
Mid Range: 231.70
Long Range: 66.20
Max Range: 6.62


Point Blank: 256
Mid Range: 384
Long Range: 768


Base: 2.50
Down Sights: x0.50
Standing Still: x0.80


Point Blank: 2207
Mid Range: 1545
Long Range: 441
Max Range: 44.14

Environmental Damage

Point Blank: 238
Mid Range: 167
Long Range: 48
Max Range: 4.76