Wall Launcher

Shoves most enemies, knocking them back and down.
Wall Launcher
+5% Impact and Knockback
+21% Durability
+7.5% Impact and Knockback
+28% Durability
+28% Durability
+11% Increased Building Health

Wall Launcher Overview

The Wall Launcher is one of the best traps in the game. They allow you a great deal of flexibility in how you want to handle the storm hordes. You can use these traps to push husks off of cliffs. To push them into pits they can't get out of. To put them into timeout areas of your own construction. To roll them back down slopes. To put into an infinite loop of repeating the same launch over and over. Use them as a last ditch defense effort to get husks off of objective walls.

However you use them, pushing husks around with Wall Launchers is always a lot of fun. I often use these coupled with a Floor Launcher for alternating launches. Although these have less base Knockback than their close cousin.