Wooden Floor Spikes

Damages and slows all enemies who are standing on the trap.
Wooden Floor Spikes
Physical and +20% Damage
+21% Durability
+68% Crit Damage
+20% Damage
+90% Crit Damage
+3.2% Heals attached building % of its Max Health every 10 seconds

Wooden Floor Spikes Overview

The Wooden Floor Spikes are a very unique trap that do a low amount of damage, with a very quick reload speed, that also have a snare component to it that lasts for several tiles. Very useful for slowing husks down while other damaging traps do the meat of the work in reducing the husks health points. The snare stacks with other available snares in game, providing a very strong tool for players to use in their defense setups.

They have a ton of durability (charges) to accommodate it's fast reload time. Just watch out for Sploders.