Tar Pit

Enemies that step into this trap get stuck for a short duration. Reactive to lead, so if an enemy gets stuck just give it a shot!
Tar Pit
+21% Durability
+68% Crit Damage
+28% Durability
+90% Crit Damage
+3.2% Heals attached building % of its Max Health every 10 seconds

Tar Pit Overview

The Tar Pit trap is true to it's name and looks like a pit filled with tar when it's ready to fire. It uses a durability point per husk that steps in it. It can stop any husk in it's tracks, including a Smasher charging, except for Takers. It originally stuck husks in place for 6 seconds but it has since been reduced to 2-3 seconds.

You can shoot it to activate the fire damage. Shooting it activates it's cooldown. Shooting it visually removes the tar from the trap. As the Tar Pit is reloading, it will be rendered useless until it reloads. Husks don't have to be stuck for it to fire off. It does direct fire damage to husks. It will do extra damage versus Nature husks and reduced damage to Water husks.

If you stick this trap down anywhere in a high traffic area, it will run out of charges quickly and disappear off the map. It also has the issue of no longer working once on cooldown. This leads me to believe it's best use is at the back of a trap tunnel or used as a last resort to stop the few husks that actually make it through to your objectives.

It's damage isn't bad once activated but you're probably not going to want to babysit a trap to continue firing it off manually. It's reload time is really long without Reload Speed perks. It does not explode propane tanks within the trap but does have a hefty crafting cost. Costing two Quartz and two Mechanical Parts per trap.

This is the kind of trap I don't craft many of during a mission and stick in the backs of my trap tunnels to maximize their use. Some place you might actually be able to shoot it and not worry about it being on cooldown. Like on a Smasher that makes it through a trap tunnel.