Flame Grill Floor Trap

Hits enemies with fire damage followed by fire damage affliction. Duration and damage is increased against Nature enemies, but reduced against Water enemies. 1 second delay before firing.
Flame Grill Floor Trap
+15 Critical Rating
+21% Durability
+20% Damage
+20% Damage
+3.2% Heals attached building % of its Max Health every 10 seconds

Flame Grill Floor Trap Overview

The Flame Grill Floor Trap does direct fire damage with a fire damage over time Affliction effect. It does up to five ticks of fire damage over time and more with added Effect Duration. The damage over time can do critical damage on each tick. It has a one second arming time and a long reload time. They do more damage against Nature type enemies and reduced damage against Water type elemental husks. They are exceptional in mission versus Nature husks.

These are the kinds of damaging traps that should be front loaded into your trap setups. That way you can get the affliction damage rolling early to maximize it's effects. An unslowed husk can travel two tiles before the affliction wears off. Shielders shields significantly reduce the damage of these traps. Crafting costs are high as it costs two Quartz and two Mineral Powder per trap.