Ceiling Gas Trap

Creates an AOE cloud that will affect enemies with Affliction damage, over time.
Ceiling Gas Trap
Physical and +20% Damage
+21% Durability
+21% Durability
+20 Critical Rating
+28% Durability
+28% Durability

Ceiling Gas Trap Overview

One of my favorite traps in all of Fortnite Save the World, the Ceiling Gas Trap punishes lesser husks with a continuous stream of physical affliction damage over time. It stays active for 5 seconds and affects a 3x3 tile area. Husks only have to be afflicted initially for the whole 6 ticks (7 with effect duration perk) of damage to go into effect. It ticks every second and each tick has a chance to cause critical damage. Gas trap damage stacks with other gas traps.

It really is effective at thinning out the massive hordes of husks sent at your party in missions. If you can get the reload speed down to match the duration, it'll keep a continuous stream of gas pumping out until it runs out of charges or husks to annihilate.

It is a universal trap, that is very effective just about anywhere. They really shine when stuck directly over husk spawn points or early in a trap rotation. It is one of the better traps to have around Trap-Vulnerable bosses due to the AoE.

The only real downsides to the Ceiling Gas Trap are the material consumption and the fact that it can only be placed one tile up on a ceiling tile. They're so good that you never seem to ever have Fibrous Herbs. However, they are very susceptible to Sploder husks. One wrong move and usually they come tumbling down.