Skirmisher Ninja

Deadly mid-range fighter who combines Throwing Stars and Dragon Slash to create a storm of steel.
Skirmisher Ninjas

Skirmisher Ninja Abilities



Reduces fall damage taken by 10%. Increases run and sprint speed by 10%.

Throwing Stars

Cost: 30.0
Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
The Ninja hurls throwing stars in a straight line. Throws 1 star three times in a quick series, dealing a base of 52 edged weapon damage with each star.

Mantis Leap

Cost: 20.0
Cooldown: 1.0 second
Ninja can leap once more while already jumping. Can only be executed once per jump.

Trained Throw

Reduces the energy cost of Throwing Stars by 15.


The Ninja throws one additional throwing star on the third toss. Throw pattern: 1/1/2

Dragon Slash

Cost: 35.0
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Ninja springs forward 2 tiles, dealing 95 base edged weapon damage to all enemies within 0.5 tiles.

Wings of the Dragon

Increases the length of the Dragon Slash to 3 tiles.

Rain of Death

The Ninja throws one additional throwing star on the second toss. Throw pattern: 1/2/2

Return of the Dragon

Reduces the cost of Dragon Slash to 35 energy.

Crescent Kick

Cost: 30.0
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
A quick kick that does a base of 54 damage, 800 impact, and stuns for 3 seconds.

Piercing Stars

Throwing Stars pierce up to 3 targets.

Tail of the Dragon

Dragon Slash leaves a persistent trail of energy, damaging for 12% of Dragon Slash damage, every 0.5 seconds, and slowing enemies by 30% caught within the tail for 3 seconds.