Bladestorm Ninja

Masked Ninja who showers enemies with Throwing Stars and explosive kunai.
Bladestorm Ninjas

Bladestorm Ninja Abilities



Reduces fall damage taken by 10%. Increases run and sprint speed by 10%.

Kunai Storm

Cost: 30.0
Cooldown: 15.0 seconds
Ninja flips backward and throws 15 pointed knives downwards in a 0.5 tile radius. Dealing edged weapon damage. Damage is scaled based on distance with a maximum range of 4 tiles.

Mantis Leap

Cost: 20.0
Cooldown: 1.0 second
Ninja can leap once more while already jumping. Can only be executed once per jump.

Shadow Stance

After defeating an enemy with a melee weapon or edged damage, the Ninja enters a Shadow Stance for 4 seconds. During Shadow Stance increase Armor by 60, Mantis Leap costs 60% less energy and the Ninja becomes more difficult to see.

Kunai Collection

Eliminating enemies with Kunai Storm reduces its cooldown by 2 seconds.

Throwing Stars

Cost: 30.0
Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
The Ninja hurls throwing stars in a straight line. Throws 1 star three times in a quick series, dealing a base of 52 edged weapon damage with each star.

Rapid Fire

Reduces the cooldown of Throwing Stars by 3 seconds.

Kunai Barrage

Increase the number of kunai thrown from Kunai Storm by 6 and damage by 25%.

Trained Throw

Reduces the energy cost of Throwing Stars by 15.

Dragon Slash

Cost: 35.0
Cooldown: 10.0 seconds
Ninja springs forward 2 tiles, dealing 95 base edged weapon damage to all enemies within 0.5 tiles.

Piercing Stars

Throwing Stars pierce up to 3 targets.


Kunai will now randomly explode and deal Energy Damage in a 0.25 tile radius.