Kinetic Beats Constructor

Steel Wool Singer that uses hardware to drop kinetic beats.
Kinetic Beats Constructors
Syd, the kinetic overload king. The closest thing in Fortnite to a thunder god with a hammer that crackles lightning and thunder. Steel Wool Syd drops very punishing kinetic beats with the right hardware in his hands. Especially with the hero right loadout to back him up. He has some crowd control abilities to boot.

Five of his perks affect his ability to use a hardware weapon and have something to do with energy damage. Let it be known though, that this isn't necessarily a hammer build but rather a kinetic overload build. With blunt critical rating, increased attack speed and hardware heavy attack efficiency boosts, using hardware is very viable with this hero. However, he shines when you really boost up his ability to use kinetic overload as much as possible. As it does increased AOE ability energy damage up to a half tile wide and can proc as many times as you can swing.

The DECOY is really helpful for sustainability as it allows you to round up husks and get out of a pinch when needed. The extra impact and duration make melee survival much more viable. The Bull Rush is basic but can help with mobility and keeping bosses off of objectives. His B.A.S.E. is as basic as it gets. It only extends 3 tiles and doesn't have any extra perks associated with it.


  • Built in critical rating perk.
  • Excels with energy based weapons
  • Excels with Hardware.
  • Good CC utility with DECOY.
  • Highest combined health & shields.
  • Maximizes Kinetic Overload damage.
  • One of the Best melee Heroes in the game.
  • One of the highest health Constructors.


  • Base 3 tile B.A.S.E. ability.
  • One of lowest shield Constructors.

Kinetic Beats Constructor Abilities


Creative Engineering

Increases build speed by 10%. Reduces building cost by 10%.

Kinetic Overload

Critical hits with hardware melee weapons trigger a Kinetic Overload, dealing additional damage and knockback to the target.


Cost: 100.0
Cooldown: 4.0 seconds
The B.A.S.E. alters the matter of connected building pieces. Affected walls will deal a base of 12 energy damage to any enemy that strikes the wall with a melee attack. Attached structures increase Armor by 35. Extends 3 segments from placement. Only one B.A.S.E. can be active at a time.


Increases Hardware attack speed by 24%.

Hammer Critical Chance

Increases blunt melee critical rating by 18.


Cost: 30.0
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Deploys a DECOY which will distract all enemies within a 1.5 tile radius for 7 seconds.

Going and Going

DECOY lasts 2 seconds longer.


Increases Hardware heavy attack energy efficiency by 150%.

Decoy Stun

When DECOY is destroyed or expires it creates an explosion that deals impact and stuns enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Bull Rush

Cost: 20.0
Cooldown: 15.0 seconds
The Constructor charges forward 3 tiles, collecting enemies on a shield, knocking them back at the end of the rush or when colliding with a wall. Does a base of 156 blunt physical damage.

Kinetic Overdrive

When Kinetic Overload is triggered, it affects targets within a 0.5 tile radius of the primary target.

Maximum Overload

Increases damage of Kinetic Overload by 110%.

Best Kinetic Beats Squad Bonus Synergies

What is a squad bonus synergy? It's that perfect combination of support bonus and tactical bonus that give your hero the edge in Fortnite. Some synergies are better than others. Some are meta. Some are niche. Some are just plain fun! Here are the best suggestions we could come up with for this hero class, in no particular order, for all different play styles.

Support Squad Bonus

Tactical Squad Bonus

Hammer Critical Chance


Increases blunt melee critical rating by 8/13/18. Critical hits from melee weapons deal 15% of hit damage every second for 3 seconds while reducing movement speed by 30%.
Best Synergies: More critical rating for more Kinetic Overload procs. Corrosion provides a snare, good damage to physical husks and has high HAD modifier to contribute to your hero from the Deadly Blade Ninja subclass.

Actuated Attacks


Increases blunt melee damage by 12/18/24%. Critical hits from melee weapons deal 15% of hit damage every second for 3 seconds while reducing movement speed by 30%.
Best Synergies: More blunt damage is a good alternative if you can't get more critical rating. Corrosion pairs well with it still, among a few other tacticals.



Hearty Strikes

Choose from several viable options! Every 4th hit with a melee weapon restores 24 base health.
Best Synergies: Not bad if you have a problem keeping your health up. Best with a quick hammer like Mr. Red.




Choose from several viable options! Killing an enemy with an ability or weapon recovers 3 base health per second over 3 seconds. Kills reset the healing duration. Will not activate on full health.
Best Synergies: Another decent option if you have a problem keeping your health up and don't have Hearty Strikes. Use it with your preference of support.




Increases blunt weapon damage & impact by 6%/9%/12%. Choose from several viable options!
Best Synergies: Less damage than Actuated Attacks but gives you more utility in helping to stunlock husks.

Ability Damage

Your Move, Creep

Increases all ability damage by 10%/15%/20%. DECOY periodically damages enemies within the attraction radius.

Requires: Constructor primary hero.
Best Synergies: My least favorite option since DECOY pulse damage is really weak, even when buffed by Ability Damage. Better than nothing though if you have no better options yet.